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Care Requirements of Acanthastrea Echinata in Home Reef Aquariums

Acanthastrea Echinata care guide – Learn how to maintain this vibrant LPS coral in your reef aquarium.

Acanthastrea Echinata is a stunning yet aggressive LPS coral native to the Indo-Pacific. This care guide covers everything you need to know, including optimal water conditions, feeding habits, lighting needs, and tank compatibility for a thriving reef tank.

by scott Shiles

Introduction to Acanthastrea Echinata

Acanthastrea Echinata, commonly known as "Echinata Coral," is a striking Large Polyp Stony (LPS) coral recognized for its intense coloration and aggressive nature. This species exhibits a wide range of colors, including electric blues, bright oranges, vivid greens, and deep reds. With a unique encrusting growth pattern, Acanthastrea Echinata adds a dynamic aesthetic to reef aquariums, making it a favorite among coral enthusiasts.

Natural Habitat and Location in the Wild

Acanthastrea Echinata is found in the Indo-Pacific region, particularly in Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Fiji, Tonga, and the Great Barrier Reef. It thrives in lagoonal reefs, fore-reefs, and deeper reef slopes, where it grows on rocky surfaces under moderate to low light conditions. This coral typically settles in areas with gentle to moderate water movement, allowing it to capture passing nutrients effectively.

Why Choose Acanthastrea Echinata for Your Reef Tank?

Optimal Water Parameters

Maintaining stable water conditions is essential for Acanthastrea Echinata’s health:

ParameterIdeal Range
Temperature76-82°F (24-28°C)
Salinity1.024-1.026 SG
Alkalinity8-12 dKH
Calcium400-450 ppm
Magnesium1250-1350 ppm

Consistent testing and regular water changes help sustain these parameters, preventing stress and disease.

Tank Size and Setup

Lighting Requirements

Acanthastrea Echinata prefers moderate to low lighting to maintain its vibrant colors and prevent bleaching.

Water Flow and Circulation

Feeding and Nutrition

Acanthastrea Echinata relies on both photosynthesis and direct feeding for nutrition.

Tank Mates and Compatibility

Growth Rate and Propagation

Common Diseases and How to Prevent Them

Handling and Acclimation

Maintenance and Cleaning

Signs of Stress and How to Address Them

Troubleshooting Common Issues

FAQs on Acanthastrea Echinata Care

1. How fast does Acanthastrea Echinata grow?
It has a moderate encrusting growth rate, covering rock surfaces steadily with proper care.

2. Can Acanthastrea Echinata be kept in a nano tank?
Yes, but ensure stable water parameters and enough space to prevent aggression with other corals.

3. Does Acanthastrea Echinata require target feeding?
While it gets nutrients from photosynthesis, direct feeding helps enhance color and growth.

4. How can I tell if my coral is unhealthy?
Signs include retracted polyps, loss of color, or tissue recession, indicating stress.

5. Can Acanthastrea Echinata be placed near other corals?
Be cautious—this coral is highly aggressive and will extend sweeper tentacles to attack nearby corals.

6. What is the best way to frag Acanthastrea Echinata?
Use a bone cutter or coral saw to create clean fragments, ensuring rapid healing and regrowth.


Acanthastrea Echinata is a beautiful but aggressive coral that adds a burst of color and texture to reef tanks. With proper placement, stable water conditions, and regular feeding, it can thrive and become a standout feature in your home aquarium.

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