
How to care for Gonipora and Alveopora in a Reef Tank

Find out how to properly care for your new Gonipora and Alveoporacorals with this "how-to" guide on the requirements for healthy Gonipora and Alveopora

Read along to find out the Lighting, Water Flow, Feeding, Placement & more when it comes to the care of your new Gonipora and Alveopora Corals

by scott Shiles

Keeping Gonipora and Alveopora in a reef tank can be a rewarding and challenging experience. These corals have beautiful and unique shapes, and they come in a range of vibrant colors. However, they can be sensitive to changes in water quality, lighting, and flow. In this blog, we will discuss how to care for Gonipora and Alveopora in a reef tank.

Water Parameters Maintaining stable water parameters is critical to the health of these corals. The ideal parameters for Gonipora and Alveopora are:

It is important to test your water regularly and adjust as necessary to keep these parameters within the desired range.


Gonipora and Alveopora require moderate to high lighting. They should be placed in an area of the tank with moderate to high PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) levels. LED lights are a popular choice for reef tanks because they can be programmed to provide the specific lighting requirements for each coral species.


These corals prefer moderate to high flow. They require a steady flow of water to bring nutrients and oxygen to their polyps. If the flow is too low, they may not be able to feed or respire properly, and if it is too high, they may not be able to extend their polyps fully. Place them in an area of the tank with moderate to high flow, but avoid placing them directly in the path of a powerhead.


Gonipora and Alveopora are photosynthetic corals, which means they can produce their food through photosynthesis. However, they also require supplemental feeding to maintain their health and vibrancy. You can feed them small pieces of meaty foods, such as brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, and chopped fish, twice a week.


These corals have delicate polyps that can be easily damaged by handling. When moving them, use a coral fragging tool or plastic tweezers to carefully grip the base of the coral and move it to its new location.

In conclusion, caring for Gonipora and Alveopora in a reef tank requires maintaining stable water parameters, providing moderate to high lighting and flow, supplementing with feeding, and handling them carefully. With proper care, these corals can thrive and add a beautiful and unique touch to your reef tank.