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How to care for Symphyllia Wilsoni in a Reef Tank
Find out how to properly care for your new Symphyllia Wilsoni Coral with this "how-to" guide on the requirements for healthy Symphyllia Wilsoni Coral from the #1 place to buy corals online!
Read along to find out the Lighting, Water Flow, Feeding, Placement & more when it comes to the care of your new Symphyllia Wilsoni
by scott Shiles • March 01, 2023
Symphyllia Wilsoni, also known as the "Aussie Meat Coral," is a beautiful and popular addition to many reef tanks.
This LPS (Large Polyp Stony) coral is native to the waters around Australia and is highly sought after for its
bright colors
and unique appearance. Wilsoni corals, sometimes referred to as "Brain corals" or "Lobed brain corals," exhibit a
diverse array of colors and textures, contributing a vibrant and dynamic element to reef tanks.
In order to ensure the well-being of Wilsoni corals, it is important to consider their specific care requirements.
These corals prefer lower lighting conditions, requiring approximately 100 PAR (photosynthetic active radiation) to
thrive. Additionally, they prefer lower water flow, which should be taken into account when designing the tank's
patterns. Maintaining the appropriate temperature is also crucial, as there are two types of Wilsoni corals based on
collection location: the cold water variety (70-72°F) and the warm water variety (76-78°F).
Wilsoni corals have a unique symbiotic relationship with photosynthetic algae called zooxanthellae. This
allows them to receive essential nutrients, benefiting both the coral and the algae. To further support their
nutritional needs, targeted feeding with meaty foods such as brine or Mysis shrimp is recommended. Providing a
well-balanced diet helps promote the overall health and growth of Wilsoni corals.
It is worth noting that Wilsoni corals can exhibit aggressive behavior at night and possess sweeper tentacles that
potentially harm neighboring corals. To prevent any damage, it is essential to provide adequate personal space for
growth. By allowing sufficient room for expansion, tank owners can ensure the harmonious coexistence of Wilsoni
with other species.

Water Parameters
Symphyllia Wilsoni requires stable and consistent water parameters to thrive. The ideal temperature range for this coral
is between 75-80°F (24-27°C). The pH level should be between 8.0-8.4, and the salinity should be between 1.024-1.026.
Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels should be kept as close to zero as possible. Any significant fluctuations in water
parameters can cause stress to the coral, which can lead to tissue recession or death.
Symphyllia Wilsoni requires moderate to high lighting levels to thrive. It is important to ensure that the lighting
source is evenly distributed across the entire coral to prevent any shaded areas, which can lead to tissue recession.
The recommended lighting range is between 100-250 PAR.
Water Flow
Symphyllia Wilsoni requires moderate water flow to prevent debris from settling on its surface. This coral also requires
water flow to bring in nutrients and oxygen, which is vital for its growth and health. However, excessive water flow can
cause the coral's tissue to retract and can cause tissue recession.
Symphyllia Wilsoni is a mixotrophic coral, which means that it obtains some of its nutrition from photosynthesis and
some from feeding on small zooplankton. It is important to feed this coral once a week with a suitable coral food that
contains a mixture of plankton and other nutrients. It is also recommended to target feed the coral using a feeding
pipette to ensure that it receives the appropriate amount of food.
Symphyllia Wilsoni should be placed on a stable and secure surface within the reef tank to prevent it from falling or
being knocked over. This coral should also be placed away from any aggressive or territorial corals, which can cause
damage or stinging. A good placement area is on the sand bed or a low to the medium light area of the reef tank.
Coral Dip
When introducing Symphyllia Wilsoni to a new reef tank or during routine maintenance, it is important to dip the coral
in a coral dip solution. This process helps to remove any unwanted pests or parasites that may be present on the coral,
which can cause harm to other corals in the tank.
In conclusion, Symphyllia Wilsoni, the "Aussie Meat Coral," is a captivating addition to reef tanks, requiring careful
consideration of lighting, water flow, temperature, feeding, and spatial requirements. By understanding and meeting
these needs, enthusiasts can foster thriving coral communities, enhancing the beauty and diversity of aquatic
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